Contact our Community Liaisons

Contact our team

If you’ve experienced anything you’re uncomfortable with in the community or would like to report a concern, you can reach our team’s Community Liaisons. The easiest way is via this form. For alternatives and more information, keep reading.

Contact Form

If you have any concerns more broadly about the community’s trajectory, culture or norms, you can contact the whole team at To contact individual team members, you can find their details on our team page. To find out more about what the rest of the team works on, see our FAQ.

Contact a Community Liaison

Our three Community Liaisons are Julia Wise, Catherine Low, and Charlotte Darnell.

People often have different goals when they contact a Community Liaison. For example, you might get in touch because you want to have someone hear you out and listen to your story. Or, you might just want to pass on some information for us to take or leave as we see fit.

Please have a low bar for getting in touch; we find that people often downweight their own experiences, so please err on the side of contacting us, and we will triage among ourselves. Even if we don't have time for an in-depth discussion with you, any information you can give us is highly valuable data that can help us to spot patterns in the community.

We will do our best to keep the information confidential, but there are occasionally some exceptions. We're currently working on a clearer policy — in the meantime we suggest asking us about any questions you have before you share sensitive information.

Here are some circumstances in which you might contact us:

  • To report something you experienced in the EA community which made you feel uncomfortable in any way
  • To talk through a difficult personal or interpersonal issue related to your involvement in the EA community
  • To let us know if you suspect someone has engaged in behavior that’s likely to cause harm (harassment, mean behavior, dishonesty, etc)
  • To ask us to pass on feedback to an organization or organization leader on your behalf

Depending on the volume of messages we receive, we may be unable to respond in depth to or arrange a call with everyone, and will have to prioritize the most important or urgent cases.

If you’d like to have an anonymous, real-time conversation with us, we may be able to facilitate that e.g., through Google Chat with your anonymous email address or via a specialized anonymous platform. If this is your preference, let us know, and we can explore the options.

If you don’t mind which Community Liaison you contact

Our preferred way for you to contact us is via this form, and someone will get back to you.

We know a form isn't the warmest, but it helps us to triage and ensures that each message reaches the Community Liaison who has capacity and can help you the best. You can also remain anonymous if you choose to be.

Alternatively, if filling out a form feels aversive, you can email us at with the same information (feel free to use this template if you find getting started tricky).

If you contact us via one of the above two methods, by default the only people who will see your message are the three Community Liaisons, plus Eve McCormick (Project Manager and Senior Assistant). If you want your message to be shared with other members of the team, you can say so on the form.

Who to contact when

You can also reach out to any of the Community Liaisons individually — choose the person you are most comfortable reaching out to, or who has the most experience with the issue you have. If they think someone else is better placed to help you (either due to expertise or capacity), they’ll ask if they could pass you on to someone else.


Catherine has particular experience advising about

  • Problems with City, National, or Professional EA Groups
  • Projects with significant potential downside risks e.g., those related to policy, in a new field, a new location, a sensitive topic, or that involve significant outreach
  • Dealing with people in the community who could cause significant problems, including people who might harass others, could be untrustworthy, or might take unnecessary risks

You can contact Catherine via this form (you'll be anonymous by default).


Charlotte has particular experience advising about

  • Problems in University EA groups
  • Being a contact person for multi-day events such as conferences and retreats
  • Interpersonal issues relating to gender

You can contact Charlotte via this form (you'll be anonymous by default).


Julia has experience across all aspects of Community Health, but also works on other projects for the team, so she is often more time-constrained than the other Community Liaisons. She has particular experience advising about

  • Organizational health and policies
  • Serious mental health issues
  • Serious interpersonal harm

You can contact Julia via this form (you'll be anonymous by default).

Other people or services you could contact:

Our Community Liaisons are here to support the EA community in tackling our shared goals. We are not a substitute for other types of support from mental health providers, the justice system, or the support of friends and family. Some other places you could seek help:

  • Other members of the EA community
    • Your local EA group organizer if the issue you are having is with another member of the group
    • The event organizers, if the issue relates to an event you are attending
    • A Human Resources staff member if the issue relates to a workplace
  • If you need mental health care, we recommend you seek help from mental health experts. Mental Health Navigator provides some resources and guidance for accessing mental health care. However, we are keen to talk to community members about how EA interacts with their health and how to manage responsibilities when someone in the community is having a mental health crisis.
  • If you’ve been a victim of a crime, consider whether it makes sense to report the crime to the relevant authorities in your region. If the perpetrator of the crime is associated with the EA community in any way, the Community Liaisons would be keen to know and can help you access support. You might find some of the services listed here useful: