Features that contribute to heated discussion on the forum
Chana Messinger, 14 February 2023
Originally posted on the EA Forum
From my observations. I recognize many of these in myself. Definitely not a complete list, and possibly some of these things are not very relevant, please feel free to comment to add your own.
Interpersonal and Emotional
- Fear, on all sides (according to me lots of debates are bravery debates and people on "both sides" feel in the minority and fighting against a more powerful majority (and often it's both true, just in different ways), and this is really important for understanding the dynamics)
- Political backlash
- What other EAs will think of you
- Just sometimes the experience of being on the forum
- Trying to protect colleagues or friends
- Speed as a reaction to having strong opinions, or worrying that others will jump on you
- Frustration at having to rehash arguments / protect things that should go without saying
- Desire to gain approval / goodwill from people you’d like to hire/fund/etc you in the future
- Desire to sound smart
- Desire to gain approval / goodwill from your friends, or people you respect
- Pattern matching (correctly or not) to conversations you’ve had before and porting over the emotional baggage from them
- Sometimes it helps to assume the people you’re talking to are still trying to win their last argument with someone else
Low trust environment
- Surprise that something is even a question
- I think there's a nasty feedback loop in tense situations with low trust. (This section by Ozzie Gooen)
- People don't communicate openly their takes on things.
- This leads to significant misunderstanding.
- This leads to distrust of each other and assumptions of poor intent.
- This leads to parties doing more zero-sum or adversarial actions to each other.
- When any communication does happen, it's inspected with a magnifying glass (because of how rare it is). It's misunderstood (because of how little communication there has been).
- The communicators then think, "What's the point? My communication is misunderstood and treated with hostility." So they communicate less.
- Not tracking being scrupulously truth-telling out of a desire to get less criticism
- Not feeling like part of the decision making process, opaqueness of the reasoning of EA leadership
- Not understanding how and why decisions that affect you are made
- Feeling misunderstood by the public, sometimes feeling wilfully misunderstood
Something to protect / Politics
- Trying to protect a norm you think matters
- Trying to protect other people you think are being treated unfairly
- Trying to create the EA you want by fiat / speech actions
- Power / game theoretical desires to have power shift in EA towards preferred distribution
- Speed - a sense that the conversation will get away from you otherwise
Organizational politics
- An interest in understanding the internals of organizations you’re not part of
- An interest in not-sharing the internals of organizations you are part of